Wednesday, October 27, 2010

2J '10

At the start of 2010, i wasn't really pleased with my new class, 2J. Because we were the first batch to try out the streaming classes at sec 2. Many were upset. Like me.

But as time passed by, i slowly got used to new level, new classroom, new teachers, new classmates. From the 2nd level, we moved up to the 4th level, which was super tiring. But we got used to it now :) We were also the only batch who get to use the air-conned classrooms for 2 years :)

Me, as the class chairman of 2J, was quite irritated by the peeps at times. Because they always get me into trouble. But... that was the start of the year :)

Now, at the end of year, i really really don't bear to leave 2J. Together, we won competitions, 'bully' teachers, went for trips, gatherings... And just, together, 28 of us, won 1st for Sec 2 Inter- Class Games 2010. Even though we got 4th for soccer, 3rd for volleyball and 1st for captain ball. All this, proves how united 2J are :)

I was really happy to see majority of us attending Saturday's outing to Settlers Cafe with Mr Shahril. And I'm sure all of us had lots of fun together. Yes, we might dislike some people in class, but still all of us put together equals to 2J'10.

I want to thank all 2J peeps, Adeline, Dina, Jaaishini, Joey, Khalysha, Lavette, Min En, Mandy, Sabrina, Hui Jun, Faith, Seraphina, Grace, Deborah, Byran, Chester, Bao Wei, Dinesh, Jon, Kenneth Xu, Xin Wei, Kenneth Ma, Nathan, Calvin, Say Kiat, Eric and Clarence! And I want to say,


2J'10 rocks forever!!

Special Thanks to our teachers!
We love you too! and we're sorry for upsetting you. But deep in our hearts, we really love and appreciate what you all have done for us. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

Form Teacher, Literature Teacher - Mr Cherry Chacko
Co Form Teacher -Mdm Tan Ming Ngo
English Teacher - Mr Shahril, Ms Nadiah
Mathematics Teacher - Mdm Bernice Low
Science Chemistry Teacher - Mr Lai KK, Mrs Goh LF
Science Physics Teacher - Mrs Goh LF, Ms Suhaila
Science Biology Teacher - Ms Winnie Goh, Ms Sahrifa
Geography Teacher - Mr Wesley Wee
History Teacher - Ms Gwen Ho
PE Teacher - Mr Richard Lian
Art Teacher - Ms Munirah, Ms June
Respective HCL, CL, ML, TL teachers too :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

When I consider Your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and stars,
I wonder what you ever saw in me.
But you took me and you love me.
You have given me a crown and I'll praise your name eternally.


Friday, October 22, 2010


I've learnt that it was just a simple crush. Therefore, i got over you easily. Whereas for ....... , it took months for me to got over you. Still, you're no longer mine. I hope you will be happy k :) Though we can't be together, we're still friends k :) All the best for O'levels!

weee~! Happy over a cute sms :) So sweet! okay, yesterday had PYA with the sec 3s. stupid, i was supposed to be in Group 2, with Pris and those closer sec 3s. Then stupid guy, changed me to group 3, where i'm the only sec 2, only girl. And I wasn't close with the seniors in group 3 :(

Heard from Nic that it was pretty obvious that I'm upset, angry :P OppS! But seriously, it's like the others all allow me to remain in group 2, yet he was the only one who said i had to go group 3.

After PYA, me, pris and el went Mac for ice cream :) On the way there, there was a traffic light, we were about to cross when a car appeared. We jerked and i guess our face were pretty unglam xx At Mac, Nic sms me telling me that the car was his father's and he was IN IT! OMG!!!!!!



I once thought that you were mine but I realize you have your own life and now it's the time to say bye because I don't want to hear anymore lies.

Monday, October 18, 2010

1 week holiday after EOY

Finally after EOY, there's a week holiday :) On Monday, had slight fever so didn't went cycling with clique :( Tuesday and Wednesday stayed at home :) so guai! Thursday and Friday have parades :D

Parades were FUN! Thursday morning had to fall in at 7.30am. Me, pris, El, Nad and XY came to school at 6.30am :) But some other sec 2s were late. Which caused to have CHANGING PARADE. And seriously it suck. From half u to full u, full u to half u. TIRED! and was sweating like siao! Lasted for an hour. Then had campcraft with Ma'am Zane. Campfire preparation with Sir Jeremy. Then had to change into Full u for rifle drills. Drills were quite cool :) And a part of the rifle was 'small part'. When Sir Wei Liang said that, all of us burst into laughter. Look at how PURE we are :D

After hours of drills, we had lunch. Lunch was okay~ After lunch, rifle drills again :) Then changed into PT Kit for Games :D

Games were fun! Me, Pris, Yi Qi, Tassri, Reez, Celine, Jasmi, Gregory and Kingson were GROUP 2.

First game, Round 1- Me, Pris, Reez and Celine had to use our upper arm to bring a can over to the boys without dropping it.
Round 2 - We had to use our leg to bring it over. This is super hard! But we still managed to bring it back :)

Second game - All of us are given a dowel pole. We have to bring the ball over without touching and dropping it. So we connected all the dowel poles and brought it over :) Kinda fun :)

Third game - Me and pris were the defender. Our jobs are: we have to keep safe of the 2 twines and 2 poles. It's like dog and bone. This is the game where i got injured. Cause Jun Hao took the pole and i grabbed it back. He pulled and ran which caused me to kabomb on the floor. OUCH :(

After games, sir rayyan gave out forms. Was super thirsty and HOT! went to Mac. Suey, electricity break down. Went to buy BBT and went home :) Bathed, watched Unit tee and tracks for the next day. After that went White Sands to eat dinner :) TIRED.

Friday parade - heng, no changing parade. Early morning, muster parade. Yay! Got my corporal rank, sana and silver total defence badges :D After muster parade, had promotion test. Drills, MOI, uniform check then NPCC Pledge. Yay! scored full marks for pledge :) After promotion test, we had sing-a-long!

Friendship dance, side dance, she'll be coming round the mountain, flea, purple light.... Then birthday celebrations :) After parade, went KFC to eat with Pris, El, Quar, XY, Yi Qi, Jin Yang, Wes and Nic Lim. Later Nic Tan, Calvin, Zhan Wui and Zhen Rong came. Follow by Sir Wei Liang, Sir Jeremy and Sir Boon Hui. Yi Qi was showing us poker magic. So cool! then we started playing poker XD FUN!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The girl

The girl who seemed unbreakable , broke . The girl who always laughed , cried. The girl that never stopped trying , finally gave up. She dropped her fake smile as a tear rolled down her cheek , and she whispered to herself , ' I can't do this anymore. '


Yup , i'm giving you up . I know it will take time . I really hope i won't repeat history again . . .
Goodbye to true love .

Boys = Jerks ?

I . . . I guess I won't get into bgr for quite long long time . Reason being . . .

Boys , whom i really trust , always end up ignoring me , or hurting me .

When i know ahem2 , i thought he will help me to forget ahem1 , and at first those often talks we had . But now . . . Ahem2 simply ignored me :( Yes , he did helped me to forget ahem1 . But now , he helped me to remember ahem1 ._.

Simply put , I lose trust in guys . I think they're just making a fool out of you . Nice to you when they need you , dump you aside when they doesn't need you . Why ? Are all the boys the same ?

I know , it's time to forget both ahems . But it won't be easy . Please don't smile at me . For I will melt and fall in love you again .

I really don't dare to trust any guys now . I'm afraid of getting hurt again . I'm tired . Tired of those empty promises , those tears . I've enough .

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I'm tired of crying.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Campfire Songs

Campfire Songs

1 2 3 4
1, 2, 3, 4
4, 3, 2, 1
Everywhere we go
People want to know / kaypoh
Who we are, where we come from
So we tell them, we are from NP
Mighty (x2) NP
Goody (x2) NP
Best kind of NP

Banana Dance
Banana of the world unite
Peel banana peel peel banana (x2)
Shake banana shake shake banana (x2)
Go banana go go banana (x2)
Banana of the world unite

Bom Chika Bom
Bom chika bom
Bom chika waka chika waka chika bom
Oh yeah, right on
Let's make it faster
Bom chika bom…..
Let's make it (slower)
Let's make it (sexier)
Let's make it (angrier)
Let's make it (no more)

Eppo E Tai Tai
O Eppo e tai tai eh ya
O eppo e tai tai ei - ya
O eppo e tai tai ei oohs
O eppo e tai tai
Eppo e tooki tooki
Eppo e tooki tooki ei oohs
O eppo e tai tai ei - ya
O eppo e tai tai ei oohs
O eppo e tai tai
Eppo e tooki tooki
Eppo e tooki tooki ei oohs

Father Abraham
Father Abraham had seven children
Seven children had Father Abraham
Some of them were tall, and some of them were short
But none of them was bright
Raise your right
Raise your left
Stamp your right
Stamp your left
Shake your head
Stick your tougue

Friendship Dance
As we walk to the left, As we walk to the right
As we walk, as we walk, As we walk all night
With a heel and a toe, And a half turn around
With a heel and a toe
And a new friend found.
As we hop...As we swim...As we run...As we skip...As we tango...As we chacha...As we duckwalk...

Five Hundred Miles
If you miss the train I'm on
You will know that I'm gone
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles
A hundred miles ( 4x )
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred miles
Lord I'm one, lord I'm two
Lord I'm three, lord I'm four
Lord I'm five hundred miles away from home
Away from home ( 4x )
Lord I'm five hundred miles away from home
Not a shirt on my back
Not a penny on my name
Lord I can't go back home this - a - way
This - a - way ( 4x )
Lord I can't go back home this - a - way

Flea Fly
Flea fly
Flea fly flo
Kumbalala (x2) kumbalala vista
Oh nona nona vista
Innieminnie salaminnie oohwah luwalaminnie
Dexaminnie salaminnie oohwah luwah
Bip billy oden doden boy boy ber diden daden shh…

Flea fly
Flea fly mosquito
Calamine (x2) calamine lotion
Oh no more calamine lotion
Itchy witchy scratchy wacky up and down my backy wacky
Itchy witchy scratchy wacky up and down my backside
Spray went the bug when I spray with my spray can phs…

Flea fly
Flea motorcar
Honda Accord Mitshibitshi Lancer
Oh no more Toyota Corolla
Driving my jaguar without a license
Last night I met with an accident
Pi po pi po pi pi poo

Flea fly
Flea fly Motorbike
Honda Yamaha Harley Davidson
Oh no more kawasaki
Riding my suzuki without my helmet
Last night I met with my second accident
Pi po pi po pi pi po

Flea fly
Flea fly banana
Goreng ah
Goreng (x2) goreng pisang
Oh no more goreng pisang
Climbing up a tree to pluck a banana
Climbing down the tree to pick the banana

Flea fly
Flea fly Math test
Addition Subtraction Multiple Division
Oh no more formula in my head
Going to classroom to take my maths test
I’m so smart so I copy from the rest
Copy copy copy copy cat

Flea fly
Flea fly McDonald
Hamburger Cheeseburger McChicken Apple pie
Oh no more Big Mac & French Fries
I buy a Happy Meal for my little brother
Last night I heard what my little brother say
Good times, Great taste at McDonald’s (McDonald's Tune)

Gako The Frog
Ah ray U no yo ma wah ri
Gako, gako geko piong piong
Hapalukay (x2) gako geko piong
Gako piong geko piong
Gako geko piong
Gako (x2) ga, piong (x3)
Geko (x2) ge, piong (x3)
Gako piong geko piong
Gako geko piong

Oh . . .
We build the ship Titanic
To sail the ocean blue
And we thought we had a ship
That the water would never go through
But the lord of mighty hades
Knew the ship would never land
It was sad when the great ship went down
Oh it was sad ( 2x )
It was sad when the great ship went down to the bottom
All the husbands & wives, little children lost their lives
It was sad when the great ship went down

If I Were
If I were a carpenter's son
If I were to marry
I would marry a carpenter's daughter
More than anybody
For she can drill and I can drill
We can drill together
In the middle of the night
Drilling one another

* Keep adding parts as follows:
Farmer / dig, Ice - cream man / lick, Satay - man / poke, Fisherman / hook, Vampire / suck, Barber / cut, Doctor / inject, Prostitute /
ah etc

Peace By The River
I got peace by the river (x3)
I got peace by the river in my soul (in my soul)
I got peace by the river (x2)
I got peace by the river in my soul (in my soul)
I got joy overflowing... (in my soul)
I got life everlasting... (in my soul)
I got peace by the river
I got joy overflowing
I got life everlasting in my soul (in my soul)(x2)

Purple Light
Purple light, in the valley
This is where, we wanna be
With my dreams, close companions
With my CIs, my buddies and me

ATC, see bay jia lat
STC, lagi worse
Everyday, going training
With my CIs, my buddies and me

Going out, to see my boyfriend / girlfriend
Saw him / her with, another girl / boy
Broken hearted, back to NP
With my CIs, my buddies and me

Purple light at the warfront
This is where, my buddy lie
If I die, bury me here
With my CIs, my buddies and me

She'll Will Coming Round The Mountain When She Comes
She'll will coming round the mountain when she comes ( 2x )
She'll will coming round the mountain ( 2x )
She'll will coming round the mountain when she comes ( 2x )

Yipee ya ya yipee yipee ya ( 2x )
Yipee ya ya yipee ( 2x)
Yipee ya ya yipee yipee ya
She'll will riding six white horses when she comes
( And so forth )
* Keep adding parts as follows:
Drinking pesi - cola, Eating ka jiang pu teh, Driving honda civic etc

There Was A Stream
There was a stream
Just a tiny winnie little stream
And the stream was on its way eh...

Chorus :-
And the moon shine high, in the clear blue sky
And all was bright and gay
Now on that stream
There was a little bank
Just a tiny, winnie little bank
And the bank was on the stream
And the stream was on its way eh...
Now on that bank, there was a little rock...
... (Chorus)
(followed by boy, arm, rod, line, hook, worm, fish...)

Your Side
Your side ( 2x )
Your side, your front, your back
Your side, your front
Your side, your back
Your side, your front, your back


Tepi ( 2x )
Tepi, hadapan, belakang
Tepi, hadapan
Tepi, belakang
Tepi, hadapan, belakang

Pan bian
Pan bian, qian mian, hou mian
Pan bian, qian mian
Pan bian, hou mian
Pan bian, qian mian, hou mian

Odrum ( 2x )
Odrum, munadi, binadi
Odrum, munadi
Odrum, binadi
Odrum, munadi, binadi

Toilet Bowl
Sitting on the toilet bowl
Backside feeling cold
Sitting on the seat
Squeezing out the shit
Sitting on the toilet bowl



You gave me a ticket to your world and all the love I need.
You saved me like superman saved Lois.

I was wrong.

You hurt me like everybody had.
I had lied to myself.

Where were you when I needed you?
Why lift me up to drop me down?

Now I'm left with a broken heart.


Went out with Pris and El today :D Supposedly, we're supposed to go pool with WH, Pat, Nat. But Pat and Nat have VB training. WH got something on. So the trip was cancelled :(

Okay, yeah. about like that :D

Part II

YAY! EOY are finally OVER :D

Haa, officially end EOY yesterday - HCL Oral.

Morning: 2Hours AT lessons. SIAN! But the game we played was rather challenging. Well, I didn't really regret XD

Straight after AT, went for HCL oral. Was the forth last person. So me, Kenneth Xu and Celine were playing the 'cannot-laugh game.' Walao, Ken did this SUPER ULTRA FUNNY SMILE that I lose the game :(

After Celine went, Samuel and Pei En joined us (: It was very fun with this people :D
After oral, need to meet Xue Lao Shi for China trip briefing. piang, talk talk talk........ All the way to 2.45pm. Was SUPER hungry!!

Met up with Pris and El after that. went to eat KFC (: Came back school for the tree planting ceremony. Waa, feel so honoured to present the plague to Mr Ong XD The indoor stadium was really nice!!

After that stayed back and helped El to confess to monmon <3

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Last week of September, New week of October :)

Tuesday (28 Sept)
Stayed back for Chem, with El and Ranjitha. Mr Lai taught us and VB boys too. hahaha, suddenly Shi Yu came and started laughing like some witch XD cute!

Wednesday (29 Sept)
EL Paper!! Paper was okay okay lar XD shiok, after paper, me, Ken X, Nat, XW, Eric, Mandy and Lavette started to have paper ball war! Ken X started throwing paper balls at me, so .... But it was FUN! Later Sean Seah join in too (: Play until sweat like siao!

Stayed back with El and Ranjitha again (: After studying, me and El went Mac to have ice cream (: Ken X at there too. Before I left, he asked me there.
Ken: erm, tmr HCL paper 1 test what ar?
Me: gong han?
Ken: wait, you come out with me. Just you and me.

I thought he wanted to 1 Vs 1 sia XD
I went out with him, with El following (: stupid, throw paper ball at me XD throw back and ran towards the carpark (: He's so gonna die XD

Thursday (30 Sept)
HCL Paper!

Friday (1 Oct)
Happy Children Day!
After History Paper, stayed back with Pris and El. Had a very sweet <3>

Saturday (2 Oct)
Met up with Pat at 7am at basketball court.
Watched Pat and a few other guys play. Saw Wilson, Yong Hua, Xiao Pang and his bro. Play until 8+. Went for tuition. After tuition, went Pat's house. At around 12+pm, Nat came. Then XT. At first, we were studying. Then got distracted. Started playing :) Watched 'Where got Ghost?'. Sat next to Nat. Feel more secure xD Pat keep shooting things over, scare us xx XT went soon after that. Nat and Pat kept bullying me :( First they took my phone. Wanted to snatch back.... Back one hold onto me, the other one go check :( Then Nat saw a letter. I went crazy to take it back XD Guess what I did?? I JUMPED ONTO HIM XD Damn funny!! Fun! Then we went down to play playground. Then went back to watch Incredible Tales. Then went to eat :) FUN <3>

Sunday (3 Oct)
Went Grandma's house :D

Monday (4 Oct)
Lit paper! Stayed back with pris and El to study <3>

Tuesday (5 Oct)
Maths Paper 2! stayed back with El :D