Tuesday, August 31, 2010

mood swings~

F***! Why did you appear?! Why must the both of you appear right in front of me?! too bad, it's time to face reality, girl. It's time... I shouldn't write more about it :(

Teacher's Day Celebration was a BLAST! Very fun :D felt very happy because everything went well and I planned it :D me and Faith went around to give teachers a card and a stalk of flower (: representing 2J (:

After class party, went out with Pris, Ya and Nad. Went to TM. shop shop lorh (: bought stars paper and went to Open Plaza to fold stars (: Nad left at around 2.30pm. Me, Pris and Ya went to shop for clothes (: Met Pat at Cotton On. went to T1. wanted to get J.CO... but end up we didn't get any :( Saw Gordon, Amos and their primary school friends outside J.CO. Their friends thought I was a Malay -.-

Went shop, shop, shop~~
At around 5.45pm, Pris and Pat went off first... Me and Ya went around walk walk... Saw Gordon and gang again.... Since they said 'Hi' to me, so I waved back at them and of course, HI too :D

went ToyRUs. guess what?? Saw Yong Bin and Jun Wei !! kinda surprised to see them there :P Both of them whacked me with the stick thing :( HAHA! Jun Wei damn cute!! He wanted to hit me on the head de... then Ya standing in between us, so guess who did he whacked?? XI YA :D

called Daddy to pick us up at 7pm...

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