Thursday, September 23, 2010


I'm tired. Tired of all this. Why? Why is it so hard to find someone who truly love, appreciate, care for you? After many many talkings with Elyana, I finally let go of the past, finally watch him love the other girl. Even though it hurts, I bear the pain and look away. I tried to forcus on some other things that will make me happier. Something that will make me forget of all my pain.

“You can’t keep on loving him after he dumped you and hurt you. It just doesn’t make sense at all. Just concentrate on another guy. Delete your memories with him, one by one.”
This is what I told Elyana during one of our Boys-problems talk.

I said that to her but I myself just didn't do what I've said as an advice to her. I hate it.

And finally, I met someone else. I thought he won't be that bad compared to *blah. I enjoyed my time with him. As a friend. A close best friend. Slowly, as the time passed, I fell in love with him... Which I never expected -.- But I didn't dare to tell him. I was afraid. I was afraid of being rejected. The feeling that I had, a couple months back.

But he hurt me with a sentence. I know. He's a direct guy. Maybe he didn't mean it? I don't know... I don't dare to contact him now. But I will slowly overcome this and move on.
I miss you.

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