Friday, September 17, 2010

my week (:

weee~~! I've decided to blog once every week. Maybe on a Friday or Saturday (:

Mr Shahril still not in school. EL lessons are always noisy XD Faith came to school with a right hand, index finger bandaged. hahaha, was disturbing Nathan with that. Told him to treat Faith to lunch, do her homework.... etc.

nothing much happened. yeah. Mr Shahril still not back in school... Pris phone got confiscated by Ms Suhaila. for a while only :) Stayed back after school to discuss for History skit. wa, our group leader, Ken nerd shoe damn zai ! Have been writing the skit ever since recess over. After school still writing. After school, helped him a little lar. Sian, used 2G class cause volleyball boys using our class for self study. Me and Faith went down to get some food. Helped Ken nerd shoe to get chicken burger too.

When we came up, Nutdan asked me to go down and helped him buy. hahaha, Faith keep mocking me :( hahahaha!! I realised that i left my books under my table. At first, me, faith and khalysha went. But from outside, we saw the boys doing push ups. So we didn't dare to enter. Went back and asked Ken nerd shoe to help us.

Ken: why you don't dare go in?
Me: cause ..... Because they all look like tiger. *RAWR*
Ken stared at me and burst into laughter and ran back into the class.

we went back to class.
Me: eh... You never helped me then come back liao.
ken can't stop laughing.

Just nice, heard Nutdan. Stopped him and asked him to help us :D yay, he did :D cleared my table :)
Rehearsal for the skit. I was ultra hyper XD making everybody laugh XD

Ken nerd shoe saw me and started laughing again XD AT bored bored. But the game was quite fun :D grouped with HJ, Dina, XW and Nutdan. went out with XM after school to get Bev's present.

Couldn't go for NP because of HCL. what more we'll be getting back our ranks, sana and silver total defence badges :( damn sad. Went to Chung Cheng High for Lantern Festival. Quite fun. Did some cool games :)

went to Teo Heng for KTV. quite fun. sand from 7pm to 11pm. whoots :D

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