Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday... Sunday... Monday...

in a happy mood now :D

SATURDAY went white sands for dinner. had ice kachang with ximin.
yum~ love the pink flavouring the most :D:D nothing much,went NTUC, popular...

SUNDAY had dinner to celebrate mother's day at some steamboat place with family. met up with cousins... yeek, smell of steamboat when we reach home~ had to wash the clothes otherwise will stink like siao!!

MONDAY we had maths paper. OMG, the paper was a killer!! some weird questions almost had my life!! after paper, went to meet sir rayyan and i had to repeat to my juniors about the concent forms many many time. should record it down lorh... sat in canteen with siti and priscilla when xiya came. played and chatted to 11am before me, priscilla and xiya went KFC and siti went home. mymymy!! IM SERIOUSLY HAVING TOO MUCH KFC!!! it was 11.15 and the whole place was crowded!! found a 2 seaters seat but short of a chair. end up, xiya and priscilla sat on a chair each and guess what did i sit on??


asked for a chair from the group of Jun Yuan Sec boys. well, the guy couldnt speak properly and i almost LOLed!! and we saw sir herman. awkward atmosphere~ had a four-seater seat after we bought our food :D had a lot of fun and talking about past incidents :D went pasar malam, again, and bought bubbles :D decided to go playground and play :D haha, saw xiao pang. when he was entering the lift, we blowed bubbles into the lift :D:D had a convo with him while he's at 12 level and we're at 1st level. had alot of fun chasing and bursting the bubbles. blowing bubbles at MY FACE. later xiao pang and his sister come down. sitting there, enjoying the view of the bubbles floating in the air when huge droplets of rain fell onto us. we laughed, grab our bags and RUN!!

such a AWESOME day :D:D

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