Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sports Day!! Council Commendation!! Part 2

Updates on Sports Day and Council Commendation :D

sports day!!

was in charge of starting point again :D:D haha, this time TIC is not Mr Chiang. Is Mr Bakar... haha, all funny teachers. My job was to make sure that everyone were in their tracks and mark their attendance. Going around asking, "What's your name?" sad, didnt get to play with the horn thing :( got really tired after that... went KFC with pris, siti and Ya. I DRANK 2 CUPS OF PEPSI!! omg, was really thirsty!!

Council Commendation!!

quite boring. It was really HOT!! wanted to go toilet. but got stopped by a sec 1 volleyballer.
he: HI!!
I didnt know that he was talking to me, so i walked away.
he: ehh, never say hi.
I turned and said," ohh, you talking to me arh??"
he: yeah larh!!
me: ohh! HI :D

haha, still dont know who that was xD
after commendation, went mac with siti and celine...

Meet the parent session!!

TODAY WAS REALLY HOT!! It was rather bored and stupid.

haha, i cant believe that i actually sang to a 'tunnel'!! anyway, Haziq came and wanted to throw a bottle down the 'tunnel'. But he didnt. He shouted into the 'tunnel' and poured water down!! we were like OMG!! When siti was holding the bottle above the mouth of the 'tunnel', i whacked her hand and the bottle went .... DOWN!! from level 4 to level 1. COOL right :D
got questioned by Mr Tan xD
had lots of FUN with the 1G'10 ppl. little juniors!!

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